Monday, April 13, 2020


Hello Huntington Middle School huskies! I have missed you very, VERY much. 😍 The art show will be moved to spring of year 2021. You WILL eventually get your artwork back; it is safe at the school in my storage closet.
I have created some fun little projects for you to choose from for the rest of this school year. Some require a phone or computer, and some do not. Please provide evidence that you completed at least ONE of these projects for each time period listed below. You can mail your project to me, email a photo of it to me at, OR share it with me on Google Drive

April 20- May 8 
Project choices: #1 Cartoonist#2 Movie DirectorOR #3 Video Game Designer

May 11- May 29 
Project choices: #1 Botanist, #2 Art Critic, OR #3 Independent Artist

June 1 - June 19 
Project choices: #1 Professional Chef, #2 Photographer, OR #3 Architect

You can click on the different tabs I have up above on this web page for more info on each project choice.